Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Hey everyone, sorry I didn't get on this sooner. But check out the Sarah Palin coverage by The Pendulum by visiting our Web site: www.elon.edu/pendulum

I compiled the video with the interviews with supporters/dissenters. As well as some of the video of the protester being carried away by police.

Oh, and I also interviewed D.L. Hughley who was here promoting his new show on CNN. It was totally on the fly, and he had cameras with him. They turned the cameras on me as I conducted the impromptu interview, so it's possible that I might be on the show ... we'll have to see!

Anyway, a proper update is necessary at some point. I had a really great fall break ... now back to the grindstone. Luckily there's only 3 weeks until I get to see John again ... makes it easier, not a whole lot, but a little.

More soon, I promise.

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