Wednesday, November 5, 2008

yes we can.

Standing on the edge of history, I'm brought to my knees with tears in my eyes by the power of the unified voice of the people. Today, I am so proud to be an American. I am so proud to have voted in this historic election and to have been accompanied by one of the highest voter turnouts in history. I am proud to say that our democracy works. I am proud to say that for the first time in its nearly 300-year history, the United States has broken tradition in the search for change and hope and has spoken its mind in the favor of a new way of looking at the world, a way that ceases to recognize strength and wisdom, leadership and truth based on the color of skin.

I am proud to align myself with a party that has never ceased to fight for the equality and good of all people. But it is in the following days, weeks, months and years that we as Americans must look to ourselves to see past the colors red and blue and on to the bigger issues that we're facing. Both candidates recognize we are only as strong as we are united. Party politics is petty and divisive, and now is a time for unity and change.

"Where we breathe we hope. Yes, we can."

check out The Pendulum coverage


Kaitlin Ugolik said...

bethany, thank you so much for posting that video, it made me cry :)

Bethany said...

I'm glad you liked it. It makes me cry every time I watch it. Election night was an amazingly poignant, it's hard to put into words how incredibly moved I am by what's unfolding around me. It's wonderful. :o)

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