Wednesday, September 24, 2008

all hail the comma!

Today is National Punctuation Day! And being the nerd that I am, I'm excited.

Kiersten met me at work today to hand me a card that had two cut out over-sized quotation marks and read: Happy National Punctuation Day! My friends know me so well.

In honor of National Punctuation Day, here's a clip of Dean Martin and Victor Borge doing a bit about verbalized punctuation. It's cute, it's about punctuation, and you just have to love Dean Martin's face as he's trying to mimic the sounds in the beginning, and then they just dissolve into hysterics as it progresses.

It's a classic. And you can be assured that "Oxford Comma," by Vampire Weekend will be on heavy rotation today.


Bethany said...

Hahaha... I kind of miss you too. :o)

Bryan said...

that is awesome! I'm partial to semi colons myself though. And yes you're dorky, but that's part of what I like about you.

Anonymous said...

This simply matchless message ;)

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